
Matthew Marcos

Solutions Architect

🏴‍☠️ Ahoy there, mateys!

Meet the swashbuckling data pirate Captain Matthew Marcos, with seven full years of plundering the high seas of data! Cap'n Matty is a master of charting data treasure maps and constructing high-tech digital galleons to navigate the murky waters of business challenges.

Ever the curious adventurer, our fearless Captain delights in slicing and dicing those pesky problems into bite-sized pieces that even his parrot could digest. And while he's got a knack for learning any ol' tech stack, he's particularly keen on sailing using the cutting-edge vessels of GCP, Snowflake, and AWS.

So, me hearties, if ye find yerselves lost in the stormy seas of Data Strategy, Data Governance, Data Platforms, or any other data-related conundrums, don't hesitate to send a message in a bottle (or just an email)! He'll be more than happy to steer your ship towards data-driven success!

Batten down the hatches and embark on the greatest data adventure of your career with Captain Matthew Marcos at the helm! Just remember, X marks the spot where data mastery awaits!

  1. Enterprise Solutions Engineer at Thinking Machines Current

    Do some really challenging stuff

  2. Software Developer at Station Five

    Performed magic to meet client requirements despite changing requirements

  3. Software Engineer (Data Science Infrastructure) at Ltd

    Cajoled some insights out of Redshift

  4. BS Computer Science - University of the Philippines

    Studied BS Computer Science in University of the Philippines.